Why Web Dev?

A three-page website about making websites.


Why Web Dev?

There are plenty of way to learn coding, but here are some reasons why we focus on web dev.

  • You can learn to code starting easy, with HTML and CSS, before getting into the real coding with JavaScript.
  • You can be creative with the visual aesthetic of your applications as well as solve problems in coding.
  • You can build useful applications to make money, help others, or just make you own life easier.
  • Web dev has loads of transferrable skills to other areas, from project management to marketing to accounting to entrepeneurship.

Web Dev Opportunities

Web development can take you many places in the world and your career. Here are just some of the opportunities you'll have.

  • You can reach an enormous audience through the web because clients and customers can use any device they want to access your applications.
  • You only have to build your applications once: for the web. You don't need to build one version for iOS, one for Android, one for Windows, and one for MacOS.
  • You can earn a great salary - more than 400 jobs on seek.co.nz offering over $100k at the time of writing
  • You can work remotely from anywhere in the world.

Other Coding Careers

Web dev is a great start but it's only one of many different careers in digital technologies. Here are some of the others.

  • Application developer
  • Server engineer
  • Network engineer
  • Project manager
  • Systems Architect
  • Artificial intelligence researcher
  • Cyber security consultant (hacker)

Practice Quiz

The quiz below covers some of the key skills up to this point. It is designed to help you identify what you know and what you need to practice. You can take the test as many times as you like.