Shopping List
Helps to prepare before you go.
Skills: InputOutputVariablesLoopsArrays
This project is a chance for you to practice the skills you learnt in the previous three projects.
You'll need to use all of the skills to write the code. Here's some references to help:- create and reference an array
[ ]
- add an item to an array:
- delete an item from an array:
- loop over an array:
Coming soon...
Write a program that lets the user create a shopping list. They should be able to add and remove items from the list, which should be output on the page for them to see.
Use the code below to get you started. Copy and paste the HTML into your own file. You do not need to write any more HTML to complete this project.
You can use the JavaScript below if you need help to get started. It contains comments explaining each step of this program.
If you can, try to complete the program without looking at it.